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What an opportunity. I’d wanted a place of my own for years; good location with nearby parking and significant footfall. I had all the ideas. I had experience in lots of shops. I just wanted a place to begin my dream.

But THIS wasn’t MY dream! Auntie had left her shop to me. I don’t know why. It wasn’t the sort of shop for me. My business plan was a top-end interior decoration shop, offering the best of international style, furnishings, liaison with other ‘top’ bath and kitchen suppliers. A complete service from carpets to curtains, floor to ceiling.

Not this – not a clothes shop. Selling dresses to women. Daft. The whole idea was stupid. But tempting maybe. An existing clientbase with, apparently, enormous goodwill at a fantastic location.

Time to assess, investigate, learn. Why throw away something that’s up and running because I wanted something of my own? I’d seen so many try and fail. This was a runner – and it was making a good profit.

So, to Craydon. The site was even better than I’d been told. The place was busy and buzzing. I wandered in to suss out the staff and ambience.

I’d been in there just a few minutes when one of them came up and asked ‘Do you need help? Are you looking for something special for yourself?”

What did she mean? ‘Something for myself’. I’m six foot 3; an ex-rugby player in my mid-thirties. I went all aggressive “I think not. ‘something for myself?! ….. In a woman’s dress shop!’. Do you say that to any man who comes in here. What if you said that to a man with his wife nearby.”

The lass, Betriz, all of mid-twenties, responded vigorously. “That’d be silly. No – I don’t say that to any typical man – but you were looking at the clothes differently than the typical accompanying husband. I’m sorry if I made a mistake.”

“A mistake, yes. But I was looking differently because I’m the new owner.

Though one can make a very interesting tale from Freudian notion in such matter, I feel that, it may be more relevant to look for an answer in neurology than psychology here.

One of the possible "physical" kind of possibility is brain mapping of human body getting a bit confused (which would get arm pits mapped on or close-by to other body parts that are erogenous in nature) that are leading to neurons misfiring.

(A small "edit" for those uninitiated about brain... In brain, there exists a detail mapping of body. The "toe fetish" is explained reasonably well using this mapping-proximity theory as toe is mapped close to sex organs and could be "cross wired" in a physical way.)

Second possibility could be an hypersensitivity to smell leading to the "old" pathways that have very strong ability to evoke primary "feeling" or responses like sex. Arm pits are primary sources of body odor and hence they can "excite" the brain.

And still, if we want to try out a more convoluted possibility, one can always weave interesting tales about the "hole" like shape (as armpit fetish is more prevalent in males) or presence of hair or any such stimuli interpreted at a "higher" level using some "experiential" associations brain may have developed.

But, I would put my money on the first two any day!!


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